


Why learn to code?

Learning to code is not just for those who want to become software programmers as a career. Learning to code teaches kids fundamental problem solving skills. We teach them to think like a coder, which is more about the logic skills rather than simply mastering the syntax of a particular language. The logical thinking skills and exposure to tech will get them better equipped and prepared for any career whether they become a doctor, lawyer, plumber, teacher, or any other career.

What age should a child start learning to code?

We recommend age 7 or 8. In general, you want them to have developed a basic ability for logic and be able to navigate a computer. For children younger than this, it’s still good to give them exposure, but you can do this at home for free (try apps like Kodable, Scratch Jr., or Hopscotch!).

What happens in a Code Coaching session?

Every Code Coaching session is different and customized to the interests and coding level of your child. The coaches get to know your child and help them figure out a fun and engaging project to work on. Coaches are free to choose projects or curriculum from our set, or even create their own with the student. Each week is fluid, they may continue to build their application and start a new one when it’s completed. They may have a Tech Talk about Internet Safety or Net Neutrality. They may use a more fixed curriculum to brush up on specific skills. The end goal is a dynamic experience that centers around creating custom projects or apps

Am I allowed to sit in with my child during the lesson?

The general rule of thumb is we ask parents to drop off their kids because it affects how the kids learn and behave during their lessons when their parents are around. We want them to feel that this is their “club house”, a cool place to learn to code and have fun while doing it.

Why the 10:1 ratio?

Our 10:1 semi-private Code Coaching program is our core and most popular program. It’s beneficial because it gives each student about the same individual attention that a private lesson would. This is because of the amount of time the students need to be heads down coding. In addition, it adds a collaborative angle to the lesson where there’s another peer working on another project of a similar level to share and bounce ideas off of.

What is KidsComp curriculum?

We don’t believe in a one-size fits all curriculum, but rather use a dynamic way of teaching with a Coder Toolset that has many curriculums. With our customized teaching style, our coaches will use the best curriculum and platforms to keep their students engaged, excited, and continuing to learn. Instead of saying something like “every 8 year old starts at module 1 and gets to module 10 in one year”, we evaluate each student’s interests and skill levels, and choose the right curriculum that fits them. The goal is to keep our students engaged – after all, if kids don’t want to learn, they’re not going to learn!

What's the best language to learn to code?

A trick question! It’s not about the language, it’s about the concepts behind the language. In fact, we’re generally language agnostic, as language is merely syntax, a platform upon which you implement logic. Instead we believe the power of coding is the logical and technical thinking, and helping kids learn to THINK like a coder. There’s no guarantee that a particular language that a young kid learns now won’t be extinct by the time they go to college. But the logic skills and foundational code concepts are something that will be able to be utilized in any language including a new one that hasn’t even been invented yet.

Now all that said, the answer is Scratch! =) Most beginners, especially those younger than 10, gravitate towards Scratch because it’s so graphical and easy to learn logic without needing to type (and without the headaches of remembering semi colons and brackets like in real code).

Does your curriculum have quantifiable progression levels?

Due to its custom nature and the fact that there’s so many different paths that our young coders can take along their coding journey, we don’t use set levels like 1-10 or white belt to black belt. Students instead progress by learning ever more complex concepts and technologies, and creating apps with them, increasing the breadth and depth of their skills as documented in their Coder Reviews. Just like a real life Software Engineer (or even a real-life adult), we don’t believe there’s a way to “level” or “quantify” a student on a journey – we’re all always in continuous learning mode.

Will there be a certificate provided after completing the course

Yes. We have different levels or types of coaching like Starter, Explorer,Creator and so on. Children will receive a certificate for each type they complete

How does my child progress in their coding?

Students continue to make progress by building projects with increased complexity, using various technologies and platforms like Python or Javascript or many others. As their application complexities increase, coding concepts learned advance along with them. Don’t forget, repetition of concepts in different situations is important as well, practice and constant use is how students progress!

How do I see and get feedback on my child's progress?

You will receive notes via email after select sessions that will let you know what they’re doing and how they’re progressing. You will also receive a formal Coder Review after your first month, which is a more formal progress report. After your first month, you’ll see a Coder Review every few months. These give you a formal way to track progress on concepts, languages, projects, etc., that your child is learning. You can also drop by a bit early or stay a bit longer to get progress feedback from the Coach

Is there homework?

No. We aim to finish all projects and exercises in the classroom itself.
We understand that kids and parents are busy with many after school activities–so even though it’s encouraged, it is not required.
But still if your child is interested to do activities in home we can provide access to our cloud based activities


Who are KidsComp coaches?

Our Coaches are a mix, ranging from veterans from the software industry to CS majors still in school. Our Coaches are not formal teachers, but rather are passionate coders that are excited about helping kids learn to code. Chemistry of the relationship is so much more important, and all our coaches are vetted with wide-ranging real-life coding skills! Come by and find out who the best match is for your child.

Are your coaches background checked/Garda Vetted?

Yes, all staff go through our application process, including reference verification and criminal background checks.
Also all our coaches are GARDA VETTED which allows our coaches or staffs to interact and teach children. Please follow https://vetting.garda.ie/ to know more about GARDA VETTING

What languages do your coaches know?

All kinds! Our wide variety of coaches typically have backgrounds in fundamental languages like Javascript, Python, or Java (and of course Scratch). Often coaches also have other more advanced technologies up their sleeves like 3D gaming or Swift or really anything else!

Can I drop off my child for his/her lesson?

Sure! Our locations are a safe, fun for kids to hang out, have fun, and learn to code. Lessons are supervised directly by a GARDA vetted Coach. You’re also welcome to stick around at our locations that have a lobby or parent area, and you’re free to jump on our wifi and get some work done too!